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2018-2019 Teaching Award

I am pleased to announce that I have been selected (along with Prof. Janet Liou-Mark) for the 2018-2019 PDAC Teaching Recognition Award. The PDAC Teaching Recognition Award honors faculty with long-term dedication to actualizing City Tech’s mission as a teaching institution “committed to high quality technological and professional education.” This may include but is not limited to innovative teaching/learning practices in the classroom, labs or online; creation of inclusive learning environments, a history of shared teaching/learning expertise with colleagues, and other initiatives that support student, faculty and/or community engagement.

Awardees are required to offer faculty development activities in Spring 2019. I will lead a two-part workshop, “Overcoming apathy in the classroom: facilitate learning by getting students to think and talk,” and Janet will lead a three-part workshop for faculty on how to implement the peer-led-team-learning instructional model into their courses.

I will post the dates of my two part workshop as soon as it is finalized

