2018-2019 Teaching Award
I am pleased to announce that I have been selected (along with Prof. Janet Liou-Mark) for the 2018-2019 PDAC Teaching Recognition Award. The PDAC Teaching Recognition Award honors faculty with long-term dedication to actualizing City Tech’s mission as a teaching institution “committed to high quality technological and professional education.” This may include but is not limited to innovative teaching/learning practices in the classroom, labs or online; creation of inclusive learning environments, a history of shared teaching/learning expertise with colleagues, and other initiatives that support student, faculty and/or community engagement.
Awardees are required to offer faculty development activities in Spring 2019. I will lead a two-part workshop, “Overcoming apathy in the classroom: facilitate learning by getting students to think and talk,” and Janet will lead a three-part workshop for faculty on how to implement the peer-led-team-learning instructional model into their courses.
I will post the dates of my two part workshop as soon as it is finalized
First Year Learning Community (FYLC) Leadership team
I will serving as part of the First Year Learning Community (FYLC) leadership team along with Jennifer Sears and Karen Goodlad for AY 2018-2019. A curricular Learning Community is a group of students who co-enroll in two or more courses, generally in different disciplines that are linked together by a common theme, in an academic semester. Learning Communities is one of the ten high-impact educational practices recognized nationally to improve student persistence using data from assessment to increase retention. FYLCs provide an opportunity for students to begin their college experience with other students who share similar interests and career objectives. More details can be found at: https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/groups/fylc-first-year-learning-community/
Chair-Elect of ASEE MidAtlantic Section
I am happy to announce that i will be serving as the Chair Elect of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Mid-Atlantic Section for 2018-2019 academic year. The list of officers can be found here.
The Fall conference will be held at Brooklyn Technical High School on Oct 26-27th 2018. The submission deadline for the conference is Sept 1st. More details on the conference can be found here.
Paper accepted at FIE 2018 Conference
Our paper (with Dr. Candido Cabo) on “Promoting students’ social interactions results in an improvement in performance, class attendance and retention in first year computing courses” has been accepted for publication at the 48th IEEE Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE) 2018 Conference. The conference will be held in San Jose, California, from Oct 4th-6th, 2018. The program for the conference can be found at: https://edas.info/p23986
Panelist at MAA Annual Meeting 2018 at Hofstra University
I have been invited to serve as a panelist at the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Annual Meeting at Hofstra University on May 13th (Sunday). The panel discussion is titled: “Partner Disciplines on Teaching Mathematics”. The schedule is posted here: http://sections.maa.org/metrony/meetings.html
Keynote Talk at City Tech Research Conference on May 1st
I will be giving the Keynote talk at the 12th City Tech Research Conference 2018 on May 1st. The title of my talk is: “The Power of Descriptive, Predictive and Prescriptive Data Analytics”. I will be discussing the simplicity and power of large amounts of data in two specific areas: Search Engines and Educational Data Mining. The conference will be held in N-119. The schedule for the conference is: CTRC-12th City Tech Research Conference-PC-D.
Data Science Faculty at CUNY Graduate Center
I am pleased to announce that I am a Data Science Faculty member for the “M.S. program in Data Science” at CUNY Graduate Center. More details of the program can be found at: https://gc.cuny.edu/Page-Elements/Academics-Research-Centers-Initiatives/Masters-Programs/Data-Science/
Paper accepted at IEEE CCECE 2018 Conference
Our paper (with Dr. Janusz Kusyk and Dr. Yu-Wen Chen) on “Design of Cloud Based Robots using Big Data Analytics and Neuromorphic Computing” has been accepted for publication at the 31st IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2018). The conference will be held in Quebec city, Canada, from May 13th-16th, 2018.
Received Open Educational Resources (OER) Fellowship at New York City College of Technology
I am happy to announce that I have been selected as an Open Educational Resources (OER) Initiative fellow for Spring 2018 – Fall 2018. It is a forum where through readings, assignments, discussions, and activities, participants will learn about open educational resources (OER), the principles of open pedagogy, and applicable strategies to create OERs. Topics will cover Creative Commons licensing, resources to help locate discipline specific OERs, and strategies to adopt and generate cohesive and engaging course materials.
Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) Session and Poster accepted at ACM SIGCSE conference
I am pleased to inform that a discussion session titled “Pros and Cons of Using Data Analytics for Predicting Academic Performance in Computer Science Courses” (with co-authors J. Bivens and J. Chen), and a Poster titled “Building a Community of First Year Students Improves Student Retention and Performance in Computing Courses” (with co-author C. Cabo) are both accepted for publication at the ACM SIGCSE 2018 conference to be held in Feb 2018.